Monday, October 19, 2009

What's that girlscout song?

Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other's gold.
Yeah yeah yeah; I'm cheesy. You people knew that long before you started reading my blog. Cheesy or otherwise, I definitely made a new friend this weekend. How excited am I to be bonding with someone in VA?! Yea me. I met Cat last week at an FRG meeting and loved the way she was ready to start making plans to hang out. Saturday we went to Kangaroo Jac's with our kiddos and then Sunday she and her son came over for dinner. For a nine-year-old boy, Kehli is a pretty cool kid. But Cat, is AWESOME. We spent the evening pouring out all those things that make our lives so bitterly preciously our own. I think that is something only girls do. I guess I'm supposed to be a woman now that I'm 27, but sometimes being a girl again is just what I need.
In keeping with the above-referenced silver and gold, Sarah is coming to town today! Em is bouncing off the walls and I am about ready to burst. Cat, Sarah, and I are totally going to return to girlhood in a big way on Saturday. We're planning to kick off our night on the town with an afternoon of clothes--swapping, hair-doing, make up tip fun. Weee! I'll be missing a few of my girls during Saturday's return to teen-ness (I'll send girly, sweet sixteen thoughts your way Laura and Hava), but it will be so very very nice to go out with the girls.
By the way, did you notice I figured out how to put a link in my post. How tech savy am I these days!

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