Wednesday, September 3, 2008

And Now, Some Details

I ended my summer with a most fantastic visit to Virginia Beach. One day while Ben worked and I sat on the floor of the computer room he asked if I wanted to get hitched. I thought it was a joke. It wasn't. He wanted to go right then. I looked at him and blinked about forty times. Unfortunately, I had neither my birth certificate nor divorce decree with me so that option was out. After coming to that conclusion we decided we'd go for it in November when he gets back stateside. Then he wanted to know if I was going to get up and kiss him. I climbed into his lap and covered him with love. I am ecstatic. Emily tells me if I marry Ben we can stand together and she will throw flowers at us and it will be beeee-u-ti-ful. I'm so happy and the congratulations I've gotten have really added to that. Thanks for all your support over the past few rough years. I may finally have things together. Plus, I'm in love!

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