Friday, February 15, 2008


Way back last August Emily got a glimpse of me in my unmentionables. She knew what panties were but was confused about the top part. I answered her inquiry with the obvious: "its a bra." Now Emily was familiar with the word "Broccoli" because I shove the vegetable in her general direction about once a week. Obviously, I was mistaken regarding my apparel so she kindly pointed at me, laughed and said "No silly Mama, it is called braw-co-lee!" Ever since, she has very generously pointed out whenever someone's "braw-co-lee" is showing as my friend Dana Ballard can testify. In January of this year Em and I went shirt shopping together. I had to get a yellow shirt for work. On a side note, I look putrid in yellow so this was definitely not one of my favorite shopping trips ever. While I tried on new shirts, Emily tried on my clothes. At one point, I caught her shirtless, chest puffed out, inches from the mirror. "Look Mama! I have little braw-co-lettes!" My kid is a freaking genius.

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